All relevant product information can be found on the Analox Sensor Technology website, take a look at the O2NE+  and Safe-Ox+ product pages. 

The procedure for adjusting the O2NE+ and Safe-Ox+ alarm setpoints is very similar for setting Alarm 1 and Alarm 2.

  1. Whilst the unit is switched on, enter technician mode by pressing the mode button 3 times. If entered successfully the green LED will flash off for 1.5 seconds and on for 0.5 of a second.
  2. From technician mode, press the ‘Mode’ button 2 times to set Alarm 1 or 3 times to set Alarm 2. The buzzer will bleep on each press. If this is done successfully, the instrument will show the ‘Fault’ indicator and the appropriate ‘Alarm’ indicator. If this is done inadvertently, or if another mode is selected, press the ‘Mode’ button once to return to technician mode and then repeat this selection.
  3. The display will indicate the present value of the alarm.
  4. Press the ‘Mode’ button twice to define a new setting, or once to abort and return to technician mode.
  5. Press and hold the ‘Mode’ button. The displayed value will count down. Release the button when the displayed value is equal to the desired alarm value.
  6. Upon release of the ‘Mode’ button, the display will continue to show the new value. Accept the new setting by pressing the ‘Mode’ button twice, or alternatively ignore the new setting by pressing the button once. This will return to the technician mode.
  7. To exit from technician mode, press the Mode button once. The O2NE+/Safe-Ox+ then restarts by performing the normal power on sequence (4 flashes).